our favourite toys

Reminiscing stories of our favourite toys

We all have reminiscing stories to tell about our favourite toys, gathered together from a time when we were younger and smaller. One only has to think of the lovely Grayson Perry and his marvellous teddy bear, Alan Measles

Well here’s another lovely story, this time it’s Smiley and Mrs Pussy..

Smiley and Mrs Pussy

Smiley is seen here with Mrs Pussy after more than 40 years of love, tears and secrets. He’s wearing the jumper and trousers of my mother’s teddy, “Edward Bear” and was a present from my Granny, bought with Green Shield stamps (my grandparents were very hard up) for my sixth Christmas present.

Mrs Pussy, although a better class of teddy, didn’t hold the same appeal, though she has washed her skirt for the photo and the pair of them have planned their retirement by the sea.

Many thanks to Fi Howard, textile designer, www.fionahoward.com

I loved him more than anything else and would have risked my life for him. He was there for me when I was homesick away at school, when I was ill, needed someone to talk to, or just someone to snuggle up to every night.

Find out more about the Reminiscence Bump at Wikipedia >

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