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Home Alone

Transforming the experience of older people living with dementia and their caregivers through relationship-centred communication workshops and personal counselling

Having REAL communication

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

Leo Buscaglia, writer

How we help

Our award-winning REAL Communication framework supports compassionate, high-quality care of a person living with dementia. By building understanding in relationships we can help sustain the person’s wellbeing – and ours as well.

Good communication sits at the heart of good care. We improve the experience of any person living with dementia through a range of re-enabling, positive, relationship-centred communication workshops and counselling, for family and professional caregivers. When caregivers are empathic and thoughtful, they can get alongside, understand and appreciate the person as they are now – and once were.

To care for a person well

we need to care about them

to care about them, we need to know who they are

REAL Communication Workshops


Our award-winning workshops focus on improving relationship-centred communication, building caregivers’ knowledge, self-confidence and understanding of their care relationships..

Designed to help caregivers develop deeper knowledge, the workshops use innovative communication strategies and techniques to help participants communicate with those they care for more meaningfully and enjoyably

Barchester Healthcare

Care Home Manager

“I wanted my staff to realise how important meaningful conversation and listening is, especially for person-centred and relationship-centred care. The workshops have provided a really helpful springboard to improving their standards and we are already seeing the results.”

Thinking, Innovation, Delivery

“Innovation typically comes from looking at the world through a slightly different lens.”

Jack Welch – Business leader

We're working with game-changers developing ground-breaking dementia focused projects

We constantly strive to improve the experience of any older person living with dementia – and therefore their carers and families, by collaborating with our client partners to develop original, relationship-centred communication projects that are:

REAL Communication Time to Talk counselling

A personal Journey

In a world where carers may be unseen and unrecognised, sharing care experiences is important for learning and personal empowerment, but not always easy. Having time to talk about and explore personal experiences of care of a person living with dementia is vital for any person involved in a caring relationship. It can reduce their psychological distress and cultivating skills that can support and promote their wellbeing and the person they care for.

Time to Talk counselling can facilitate a person’s journey. It can help them find clarity and understanding amidst the chaos, recognise their resilience, face their challenges and build positive life changes for the person they care for and themselves.

Real communication game changers

Valued clients and partners

Since 2008, we have been delighted to work with a range of wonderful partners and clients…

Let's work together to make a difference