Delivering a great user experience
REAL Communication workshops are focused on developing and improving effective communication.
Communication is a fundamental care skill that, when shared compassionately, creates a truly therapeutic alliance. Firstly, higher quality, open communication will enhance everyone’s experience. Secondly, it helps to put people at ease. Thirdly, and most importantly, it encourages a sense of value and provides voice, choice and control.
All REAL Communication workshops use The REAL Framework. This is our proven methodology for helping to support carers empowering them to deliver a more normalised and enjoyable quality of life for the older person living with dementia.
It encourages greater self-confidence in verbal and non-verbal skills, helps to support staff self-awareness and resilience, as well as teamworking and professional standing.
The link between poor communication* by healthcare workers and poor outcomes for the person being cared for is well documented. For example, many carers face struggles with sometimes complex and competing demands (especially time). Sometimes, they may be challenged by a lack of confidence, or interpersonal social cultural issues that may be the result of a lack of appropriate training. In many care settings, high levels of need, background noise, not to mention stress and fatigue will also contribute to creating highly-stressful environments.
The REAL Communication workshops are fully interactive using both experiential learning scenarios and practical theories for a rich-blended learning experience.
Each individual workshop provides caregivers with deeper subject knowledge, useful strategies and simple techniques to communicate with people with dementia. As a result this helps support more enjoyably and meaningfully, making care easier to deliver.
*read our blog articles that highlight the importance and benefits of effective communication here >>
REAL Communication Workshops
Exploring interaction and listening
REAL Communication
This one-day workshop for frontline care staff explores the key aspects of communication.
It includes empathic engagement, active listening, how memory works; reminiscence as theory and practice; the importance of life story and guidance on using the Many Happy Returns Chatterbox cards.
The workshop provides a mix of activities, issues-based exercises and reflective discussions. The key learning objectives are to help improve participants’ existing listening and their overall communication skills.

“I feel that I have a deeper understanging of what it feels like to have dementia now and can give people better care as a result” Care assistant”.

Dementia Awareness
This one-day workshop for frontline care staff provides an introduction to dementia care.
It focuses on understanding the importance of dignity and respect in the care of people living with the condition and their families or advocates. This leads t an improved understanding of how carers can meet their needs more sensitively.
It provides an overview of national and local dementia data and the different types of dementia.
Exploring how to establish trust with the person, it demonstrates how we can interpret behaviours and how feelings intrude.
Participants have time to re-consider what good care is and how it can be improved through better communication.
“I have found that I listen more intently to what people are saying now – so often, conversations are ‘lightweight’… the workshops have helped me to get to know the people I care for and work better with, now”.
Life Stories Matter
Life story gathering may be considered by some to be merely a pleasurable, activity – and even irrelevant to care work.
The workshop shows how misguided this view is, showing the power of pleasurable engagement and the importance of our life experiences to our needs and preferences.
Using interactive learning techniques to develop their own sense of self, the workshop adopts an enquiring approach, helping carers understand the importance of life story gathering in the care of the person with dementia. The key objectives are to help carers develop their communication skills.


Making care in NHS settings more REAL
These one-day, NHS South London award-winning interactive workshops, are designed for second-year student nurses, doctors and Occupational Therapists in NHS teaching hospitals and universities.
The timetable focuses on a range of meaningful communication techniques for temporary, even fleeting engagements, in the moment. It considers how relational connection techniques with patients with dementia, (who often feel anxious and frightened in an apparently hostile landscape) can be improved and managed more compassionately.
The workshops support students to reflect on their own experiences, their self-awareness and sense of self-worth, encouraging them to develop coping strategies for the complex emotional and professional issues they will face with patients, families and staff teams alike.
The REAL Communication framework is underpinned by current Adult Social Care policy and guidance and reflects 12 years’ involvement with and feedback from carers, practitioners and people living with dementia. We are active members of the NDAA (National Dementia Action Alliance).
Confident communication
Effective behavioural skills, tools and strategies for easier connection and engagement with an individual living with dementia at home or in a care setting
Enhancing relationship-centred care
Effective strategies for empathic, authentic engagement and listening to connect and build relationships with people living with dementia and their families/advocates.
Improving team relationships
Effective communication skills and strategies that support improved understanding and optimise team relationships with colleagues.
Building confidence and resilience
Enhanced self-care and self-awareness, promoting self-confidence and supporting resilience for the carer.
some of our real communication clients
Many Happy Clients
Since 2008, we have been delighted to work with a range of wonderful clients…

Dementia REAL communication workshop as a part of SCIE: Training, learning and CPD for health and care
A REAL Communication Workshop at the Brookfield campus of The University of Leicester.
Want to know more?
We would welcome the opportunity to tell your more about our workshops – So why not get in touch!